Educated from two international education programs in Audio Engineering (Society of Audio Engineering (SAE) and the Berklee College of Music) I conclude many years over this specific project in Audio Mastering starting back in 2005. It's an intensive learning process with severe discipline that enables me to work on various musical-orientated projects. Auckland's SAE Institute engineer Reuben Rowntree encourages me to invest further in the Mastering domain. Also graduated in Physics at the University of Orsay (France) I'm convinced that Audio Mastering fits very well to my own personality. From that point on, I'm learning the true mindset approach of Mastering with instructor Jonathan Wyner with the Berklee College of Music. I am very grateful from what I'm learning through the educational process with Berklee. Later in 2016 I am awarded the Celebrity Scolarship given by singer Juan Luis Guerra, being amongst the 16 best students involved.
Alexis Kevork BASSALI.
In the early years as a musician, I play, record and tour all over France for years as a guitarist. I am a member of the AES (Audio Engineering Society) so like me if you're curious about the Audio Realm which you may find interesting, let's meet during a next International AES convention ! Streaming) mais la persistance des formats physiques prouve aussi leur atout. En effet le format « palpable » valorise pleinement l’œuvre telle qu’elle a été conçue, forte de son sens artistique notamment au travers des titres qui s’enchainent bout-à-bout et dans le respect durable de leur niveau de Loudness.
While Digital advances in technology show considerable development in the domain, I remain convinced by the strength of Analog processing, which is - not to forget - also improving indeed. My goal is to offer the best quality possible to my client's art.