Kevork Mastering: 100% of Myself !
I am open to your artistic vision as we communicate: I suggest & advise you at any point on your music project. Bear in mind there is no AI with me, I'm working with my ears & that's what Pro Audio Mastering is all about.
Your sounds mean a lot more to me than the upshot of automatic online processing. Audio Mastering is NOT a result of calculations. Like Music does It is a Craft and Art which involves Emotiveness and Connection between people. Mastering is a Bespoke Service with a specific Mindset that only Pro experts can do.
I am improving the sound of your productions with technical means, using top-of-the-art gear and my experience in working with any genre of music. Audio Mastering is a case-by-case type of approach, relative on each song of a given music project.
Being a full Album, EP or a Single track your audio requires sonic improvements in order to stand up in a more impactful, emotive and musical way. It requires a careful assessment from scratch, that's why Pro Mastering Engineers are here to help. So I bring you my full expertise. Please come in !
I'm guiding you through the completion of your Audio Projects:
Audio Mastering is the final stage of Music Production. It takes place in a specialized Studio prior of the release of your music into the World. It also can be seen as the very last creative step in the process.
Pro Audio Mastering involves customized Audio Processing through different high quality devices. The goal is to enhance the overall sound, in the way the Mastering Engineer thinks of. That’s why it’s crucial to ask a Mastering Engineer to do the work.
At the end, the perception of your sounds is improved. Your music feels better compared to how it was. Your sounds gain Impact, Emotiveness and Musicality. Using my own sensitivity I know how to do so. I take into account your artistic vision. Importantly your Music will be competitive on the market, consistent accros the project from track to track.
Ask for a Pro Audio Mastering !
Kevork Mastering is an Audio Mastering Studio based near Paris, France.
Send me your project & we'll communicate !
According to your audio and your needs, I'll work on your masters by elevating the artistry it deserves.
Pro Mastering service takes on full meaning for your Music. With me your music is getting better upon release.
Details on Mastering Services
I deliver high-quality masters using today's best available tools, in both Analog and Digital domains. I'm using an optimized analog chain consisted of devices that have been carefully selected for their musical interactions. My digital processors are the best in the business, they complement the Analog process like none. I am using Analog equipment without any additional cost.
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L'aperçu de mon Blog: autour du Mastering, de l'actualité de l'Audio, de la Culture Musicale...
Le True Peak (TP) ou Intersample Peak (ISP) est une notion qui n'est pas toujours bien comprise dans le domaine de l'audionumérique. On fait le point ici !
Voici quelques ouvrages sérieux que je vous conseille de vous procurer. Ils vous aideront à approfondir vos connaissances sur le sujet du Mastering, mais aussi dans le domaine de l’Audio en général: ils vous seront utiles pour cerner d’autres notions qui se croisent, pour mieux comprendre le grand monde du Son.